Recently I received an opportunity to witness paintings of Almas, a
fine art student from Jamia passionate toward diverse genre of art. When I
beheld her paintings, I noticed that she has a range of themes and ideas to
ooze it out on a white sheet. The creative conversion of white sheet into
colourful thoughts has impressed me with some thoughts, catalysed mental
reaction to reflect and reminded me few theories and readings although her work
needs some amelioration as every art work has scope to improve. Among her
paintings, four interconnected and creative piece was the one took me here to
write few words.
These four paintings reveal the nature of complexity of ‘nature’
and interconnection with human beings. Is there any distinction between
human/society and nature? If yes then the boundary has been blurred and nature
has internalized human or vice versa but many scholars and philosophers has
distinguished these two as a separate identity. ‘Nature has not been discovered
but constructed or created’ as Dona J. Haraway (1991) in her book ‘Simians, Cyborg
and Women’ has discussed extensively and this is how nature has been understood
as separate body on this earthy planet. Human beings have externalized nature
however the fact is it’s an internal part of human and society. Poets, story
writers and painters have also interpreted nature in their own way. Social
positioning or location of the community or individual may provide different lenses
to interpret of nature as a tribal community might have different
connotation and meaning of nature than urban community. A story writer from
upper caste or majority community might interpret nature in different way from
a Dalit or underprivileged community. In the same way painter, poet and story
writer may also visualize nature in different way. However painters have still
version of those thoughts, ideas, theories, facts or stories but the meanings
and interpretation has wide range of scope to understand its significance.

These painting of Almas that I chose to discuss are somehow related
to above mentioned theories of different scholars. Painting titled ‘Green
Dream’ and ‘I am Happy With Nature’ are depicting the process of internalization.
In one painting, leaves have been grown on a human body whereas in second, a
female face is blooming on a flower, signifying the bonding and attachment
between nature and human. Another two paintings titled ‘Nature Brack Down’ and
‘Greenless Present Seres 2’ has creative brush upon the idea that nature can
see or nature has internalize human or the hidden part of humanness in nature as
well as water is the primary product of plant as S. N Ghosh (1985) suggests. These
painting can also be connected to the famous literary work.

I think painting is the still version of those lines or paragraphs
of a story or novel or poetry or theories which perfectly signifies or clue to
draw the whole meaning of the poetry, novel, story or theories.
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